Our team of Brexit joke analysts has spent 5+ years to bring you the ultimate collection of the funniest Brexit memes, caricatures, and cartoons.
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Pay attention to the joke/video Nr. 69 – it’s quite creepy how precisely they predicted the Brexit agenda back in 1981.
Ok, to start with, here’s a short summary of why Brexit happened:
0. Hopeful message from the future.
The solution is near.
1. There there, let me help you get back in. #Bregret
Nobobdy can help you if you don’t want to hep yourself.
2. Sweet victory
Freedom has a salty taste.
3. Just like Rick and Morty
Quick in and out.
4. Can you guess how the British pound reacted to this event?
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5. Dropshipping business idea
Remainian passport sleeves. Free shipp… sorry, not included. Bureaucracy at customs, you know.
6. Mama knows best.
Mum was a wild animal.
7. They have no choice but to stop and obey!
You can do miracles if you just believe in yourself.
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8. She’s definitely not single after making this dope sign.
9. Mistakes are never ours.
10. Every time someone uses Comic Sans, a kitten dies.
11. Boris outlines the Brexit plan.
12. Louis CK never jokes around.
13. Can you find where the piece of cloth came from?
14. Pff… who needs Europe! Let’s see how they struggle without our beans and marmite.
15. At the start it seemed like a great idea.
16. Who’s the boss now?
17. Robbie Williams has hinted that “Take That” is planning a reunion. They should launch with this song.
18. Pretty precise, except the walls should be reinforced concrete.
19. They said we will save £350 million of NHS money every week after leaving the EU.
20. Boris holds all the cards!
21. How did the Star Wars negotiations end?
22. Should’ve asked Johnny Depp before voting for the Brexit.
23. Ouch, poor Geri Halliwell.
24. This is how the Brexit paperwork is done.
25. The Cabinet of the UK is the collective decision-making body of Her Majesty’s Government…. and it’s made of plywood.
26. Bulletproof tip on how to save money on Netflix.
27. Destroy the UK economy with no deal or admit Brexit was a bad idea. Hard choice.
28. British spies are doomed. No way to catch those bad guys. Even parkour won’t help.
29. The Brexit classic.
30. Europe so mean to little doggies.
31. Brexflix and chill.
32. You can avoid problems by not seeing them!
33. Jeremy Clarkson and the EU is devastated.
34. Just push it stronger, Dad!
35. Great idea. Even better execution.
36. The revenge of the old people.
37. Breakups are tough. 
38. Masters of the sea.
39. Just pour some hot tea, sit back, and enjoy.
40. Only electricians (and plumbers) should be allowed to immigrate.
41. Bring it on! I’m arrow-proof.
42. The famous Brexit bus taking back control.
43. Lightbulbs are the priority.
44. Cats = small lions. Or lions = big cats?
45. Unexpected twist.
46. After four years of analysis the central bureau of statistics came up with a Brexit cost-benefit pie chart.
47. Mom, Brexit peed in my shoes again.
48. Just a little threat and they will fold.
49. The weird country no one has heard of.
50. You can squeeze Great Britain into a USB drive.
51. Don’t worry, we have various exit options.
52. Can’t be a rapper without knowing your currency exchange rates.
53. Ok, getting a dragon is relatively easy.
54. Last one is denial.
55. It’s true. The active ingredient for Viagra is produced by Pfizer in Cork, Ireland. A softie guaranteed.
56. A hug can replace thousand maps and food.
57. That’s quite a brexity maneuver.
58. Who needs treaties when you’re the ruler of the oceans?
59. There are festivals that you can’t escape from.
60. Spice Girls negotiation class.
61. The new Brexit stamps must be licked from both sides…and edges as well.
62. C’mon, EU! That’s so rude.
63. A subtle elephant in the room.
64. F*ck off, but first save our lives.
65. World-class self-esteem or just delusion?
66. I hope you don’t leave the union… as we did.
67. Brexit in a nutshell.
68. The band needs me more than I need the band. I hold all the cards. I have a part in every piece the band plays.
To cancel Brexit, please share this article with your friends ?
69. Can you believe this? “Yes, Minister” forecasted Brexit back in 1981.
Britain has had the same #ForeignPolicy objective for at least the last 500 years – to create a disunited #Europe””… “to make sure the common market didn’t work; that’s why we went into it”